Bloodshot Reborn #9 Cover D Incentive Robert Gill Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Bloodshot Reborn #9

Cover D Incentive Robert Gill Variant Cover

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BLOODSHOT VERSUS BLOODSHOT! The epic finale to 'THE HUNT' brings Ray Garrison face-to-face with the nanite-infected mass murderer that has been wreaking havoc across Colorado. But will Ray be able to pull the trigger when he discovers the identity of his adversary? Or will he succumb to the dark whispers of the nanites that threaten to destroy his humanity once-and-for-all? New York Times bestselling writer Jeff Lemire and comics legend Butch Guice bring you the unforgettable final chapter of the story that will change Bloodshot forever!

Item #: 1506541 Diamond code: OCT151755 UPC: 85899200329100941

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