Micronauts Vol 5 #1 Complete 3D Box Set - Midtown Comics

Micronauts Vol 5 #1

Complete 3D Box Set

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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THEY CAME FROM A DYING UNIVERSE! ACROYEAR, SPACE GLIDER, BIOTRON and their allies are back, on the run from the evil BARON KARZA, and blasting through a universe where magic and science vie for control! With resources dwindling, the long-lost TIME TRAVELERS may hold the key to salvation, but will it mean armageddon for our world?

Want to collect all the covers, but don't have the time to chase them down? Buy the entire set, which comes in a collectible box! Includes all four covers from David Baldeon, Gabriel Rodriguez, Casey W. Coller, the Classic Action Figure photo cover , and a special exclusive 3D version of the cover from Gabriel Rodriguez, unavailable anywhere else! Also includes 3D glasses!

Item #: 1516856 Diamond code: FEB160300 UPC: 82771401012100111

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