Micronauts Vol 5 #1 Cover L DF Baron Karza Hand-Drawn Color Sketch Signed & Remarked By Ken Haeser - Midtown Comics

Micronauts Vol 5 #1

Cover L DF Baron Karza Hand-Drawn Color Sketch Signed & Remarked By Ken Haeser

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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THEY CAME FROM A DYING UNIVERSE! ACROYEAR, SPACE GLIDER, BIOTRON and their allies are back, on the run from the evil BARON KARZA, and blasting through a universe where magic and science vie for control! With resources dwindling, the long-lost TIME TRAVELERS may hold the key to salvation, but will it mean armageddon for our world? FINAL COVER MAY VARY. ALLOCATIONS MAY OCCUR.

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Item #: 1518094 Diamond code: FEB161457 UPC: 725130247100

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