Grimm Vol 2 #1 Cover C Incentive Maria Sanapo Black & White Cover - Midtown Comics

Grimm Vol 2 #1

Cover C Incentive Maria Sanapo Black & White Cover

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What do Juliette, Adalind, Truble and Rosalee have in common? They're the women in the life of Portland's own Grimm, Nick Burkhardt, and they're about to cross paths in a way they'd never expect! Set during the tumultuous fourth season of the hit television show, Juliette's struggles to come to terms with becoming a Hexenbiest draw her into conflict with a new Wessen threat, and she finds she has nowhere to turn except her most hated enemy, Adalind! That's right, the woman who impersonated Juliette and slept with Nick! Written by Caitlin Kittredge, the author behind the Nocturne City and Iron Codex novels (among many others) and Coffin Hill for Vertigo, with art by rising newcomer Maria Sanapo!

Item #: 1562123 Diamond code: JUL161478 UPC: 72513025133601031

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