4001 AD #3 Cover H Incentive Ryan Sook Interlocking Artist Sketch Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

4001 AD #3

Cover H Incentive Ryan Sook Interlocking Artist Sketch Variant Cover

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"Reunion! The war against Father turns in favor of the 41st century's revolutionary heroes as Rai finds his long-lost friends aboard the monstrosity that has become New Japan. But even together, can Rai and his allies stand against Father's defenses? And can they rescue what remains of New Japan before it crashes down to Earth and destroys everything… and everyone? New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (DIVINITY) and superstar artist Clayton Crain (RAI) continue the summer's blockbuster event in the year 4001 A.D.!"

Item #: 1567098 Diamond code: MAY161889 UPC: 85899200336900381

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