Inspector Pink Files #1 Cover C Variant Deux Deux To The Rescue Cover - Midtown Comics

Inspector Pink Files #1

Cover C Variant Deux Deux To The Rescue Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Pink Panther fans demanded it and now everyone's favorite bumbling Inspector is back in his own hilarious comic! With the colorful rogues' gallery of Crime Inc. villains on the loose, the Commissioner must reopen The Pink Files and turn to his most trusted agent. And when she isn't available, only the Inspector is left to make a mess of the case. With his trusted sidekick Sergeant Deux-Deux at his side, no criminal is safe from the long arm of the law. Main cover by Derek Fridolfs, Subscription cover by Adrian Ropp, Deux-Deux cover by S.L. Gallant, and a special Inspector Clouseau Retailer Animation Incentive Cover.

Item #: 1567958 Diamond code: AUG161151 UPC: 85609100618200131

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