X-O Manowar Vol 3 #49 Cover F Incentive Adam Gorham Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

X-O Manowar Vol 3 #49

Cover F Incentive Adam Gorham Variant Cover

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"Long live the king! The march to X-O MANOWAR #50 soldiers onward! Witness the last stand of Earth's greatest champion, X-O Manowar! With the world besieged by the Torment, Aric of Dacia has united his bravest allies and fiercest enemies for a last ditch effort to avert armageddon. But will even their combined strength be enough against the seemingly infinite powers of this unfathomable cosmic race? Plus: The X-O MANOWAR #50 COUNTDOWN GIVEAWAY continues right here! Each issue of 'LONG LIVE THE KING' comes bagged with one of 50 micro-prints - featuring artwork from a who's who of comic superstars - or even one-of-a-kind original art!"

Item #: 1574939 Diamond code: JUN161929 UPC: 85899200303104961

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