Panel To The Screen Style American Film And Comic Books During The Blockbuster Era HC - Midtown Comics
Panel To The Screen Style American Film And Comic Books During The Blockbuster Era HC
Panel To The Screen Style American Film And Comic Books During The Blockbuster Era HC

Panel To The Screen Style American Film And Comic Books During The Blockbuster Era HC

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Over the past forty years, American film has entered into a formal interaction with the comic book. Comic book adaptations as Sin City, 300, and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World have adopted components of their source materials' visual style. The screen has been fractured into panels, the photographic has given way to the graphic, and the steady rhythm of cinematic time has evolved into a far more malleable element. In other words, films have begun to look like comics. Yet, this interplay also occurs in the other direction. In order to retain cultural relevancy, comic books have begun to look like films. Film and comic books continuously lean on one another to reimagine their formal attributes and stylistic possibilities.

Item #: 1577107 Diamond code: SEP162248 UPC: 978149680978090000 ISBN: 9781496809780

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