Edgar Rice Burroughs Land That Time Forgot #2 Cover C Incentive Turn Of The Century Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Edgar Rice Burroughs Land That Time Forgot #2

Cover C Incentive Turn Of The Century Variant Cover

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"They have found the fabled island continent of Caspak, and now, they might be buried there! Abby Tyler and her research team face an unfathomable scenario: Somehow, they have traveled back in time and have come face-to-face with not only Bowen Tyler himself, but also the evil Baron von Schoenvorts and the crew of the U-33. To their knowledge, World War I still rages outside the walls of Caspak, and von Schoenvorts will stop at nothing to escape the island prison. But will any of them survive being attacked by a pack of vicious Allosaurus?"

Item #: 1582025 Diamond code: JUN161093 UPC: 85609100608300231

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