Shade The Changing Girl #3 Cover A Regular Becky Cloonan Cover - Midtown Comics

Shade The Changing Girl #3

Cover A Regular Becky Cloonan Cover

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Trying to settle into her new life as an Earth girl, Shade finds the body she has taken over doesn't have the same skills as it did when its previous inhabitant was in charge. It's bad enough that her swim team hates her, but now she can't perform in the water at all. Can Shade find anyone she can trust to give her guidance before the madness takes over and exposes her as an alien to the entire school? This issue features a variant cover by Paul Rentler that combines with this month's other variant covers from DC'S Young Animal to form a single image.

Item #: 1582227 Diamond code: OCT160251 UPC: 76194134344000311

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