Generation Zero #7 Cover A Regular Juan Jose Ryp Cover - Midtown Comics

Generation Zero #7

Cover A Regular Juan Jose Ryp Cover

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Animalia enters the 'HEROSCAPE'! Tap into the uncharted plane of reality called the Heroscape and you can see the world through anyone else's eyes - and find out how their reality is governed by their own inspirations! Now, as a mysterious force preys upon Rook's citizens, Animalia must enter the Heroscape... and experience a world filtered through her own twisted imagination! But as Generation Zero's most militant adolescent wunderkind enters a world populated by colorful monstrosities of her own design, Animalia must lock horns - literally - with demons both outward and within!

Item #: 1597978 Diamond code: DEC162055 UPC: 85899200339000711

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