Suicide Squad Banana Splits Special #1 Cover A Regular Ben Caldwell Cover - Midtown Comics

Suicide Squad Banana Splits Special #1

Cover A Regular Ben Caldwell Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


'SUICIDE SPLITS'! Mistaken for metahumans, thrown in the bowels of Belle Reve, the animal rock band Banana Splits are recruited by Amanda Waller for a secret mission: to save the Suicide Squad! What follows is the weirdest team-up you never thought you'd see! How can Fleegle, Bingo, Drooper and Snorky stand up to Harley, Deadshot, Katana and Croc?! And in the backup feature, Snagglepuss is a Southern gothic playwright working with an ensemble cast of cultural figures, exploring an intensely creative time in the New York City theater scene of the 1950s.

Item #: 1605825 Diamond code: JAN170337 UPC: 76194134978700111

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