Jem And The Holograms #23 Cover C Incentive Gisele Lagace Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Jem And The Holograms #23

Cover C Incentive Gisele Lagace Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"THE STINGERS part 5! It all comes down to this! The Misfits latest attempt to ruin Jem & The Holograms comes to fruition, and with Jem and The Holograms performance officially sabotaged will The Misfits have finally succeeded? Or will Jem and The Holograms live to fight - 'er sing! - another day!? Meanwhile, recent events mean The Stingers are shaping up to be not just reasonably friendly adversaries, but potential nemeses. Can Jem and The Holograms really have TWO nemeses?!?

THE STINGERS arc ends here!"

Item #: 1613076 Diamond code: NOV160434 UPC: 82771400818002331

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