Paklis #1 - Midtown Comics

Paklis #1

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Do you accept the life you've been handed, or do you step into the unknown, even as it leads you into the shadows? In this new anthology series from writer/artist DUSTIN WEAVER, the characters in three mind-bending stories find themselves faced with this question. In 'MUSHROOM BODIES,' Greg struggles with knowing what's real and fears becoming complacent in a world of human insects. In the first installment of 'SAGITTARIUS A*,' war hero Linus Rad is on a mission to the center of the galaxy to learn the dark secrets of his dead father's scientific experiments. In the first chapter of 'AMNIA CYCLE,' Tara, a young Jet-Wing pilot, goes AWOL in the war against the Nuriel in order to help Amnia, a mysterious alien with no memory of where she came from and a desperate need to stop a terrible disaster! When Amnia disappears, it sends Tara on an adventure into the Shadow Zone. Step into the unknown. Journey into the shadows. There you'll find PAKLIS.

Item #: 1624329 Diamond code: MAR170691 UPC: 70985302342500111

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