Harvey How I Became Invisible GN - Midtown Comics
Harvey How I Became Invisible GN
Harvey How I Became Invisible GN

Harvey How I Became Invisible GN

Harvey How I Became Invisible GN

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Harvey and his little brother are playing in the slushy streets of early spring when they learn, out of the blue, that their father has died of a heart attack. Everything changes and Harvey's favorite movie, , suddenly begins to dominate his fantasy life. When relatives try to get him to look at his father in his coffin, Harvey finds himself disappearing. Brilliantly illustrated, emotionally true and devastatingly sad, this book is an artful and utterly convincing study of one boy's response to great loss.

Item #: 1625234 Diamond code: MAR171859 ISBN: 9781773060057

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