Champions (Marvel) Vol 2 #1 Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #19 DF Comicxposure Exclusive Humberto Ramos Connecting Black & White Variant Cover Set - Midtown Comics

Champions (Marvel) Vol 2 #1

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #19 DF Comicxposure Exclusive Humberto Ramos Connecting Black & White Variant Cover Set

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In Champions #1: The Marvel Universe is fractured. Heroes, who once stood together, now position themselves in opposition to one another. Idols of the Marvel Universe who once endured in the light are now shrouded within shades of gray, and the heroes of tomorrow are fed up! It's time for a change. It's time for a brighter tomorrow. Enter... the CHAMPIONS! They're coming to you in Marvel's CHAMPIONS #1 - a brand-new ongoing series launching this October as the flagship title of Marvel NOW! It doesn't take a Tony Stark or a Captain America to make a difference. All it takes is six young heroes and you can change the world - and they're only the beginning! AND IN Amazing Spider-Man #19: BEFORE 'DEAD NO MORE'... Someone in the Amazing Spider-Man's orbit dies. Peter, once again, has to choose between being Spider-Man and his personal life and it doesn't go well for him. Also, get the other side of the Spider-Man/Kingpin story from the FREE COMIC BOOK DAY story. FINAL COVERS MAY VARY. ALLOCATIONS MAY OCCUR.

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Item #: 1626466 Diamond code: MAR171768 UPC: 725130259134

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