Weapons Of Mutant Destruction Alpha #1 Cover B Variant Pasqual Ferry Cover (Weapons Of Mutant Destruction Part 1) - Midtown Comics

Weapons Of Mutant Destruction Alpha #1

Cover B Variant Pasqual Ferry Cover (Weapons Of Mutant Destruction Part 1)

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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THE WEAPON X PROGRAM IS BACK! For years, the Weapon X Program has engineered the deadliest mutant killers on planet Earth, until they mysteriously vanished. Now, the Weapon X program is back, and it's deadlier than ever, and it isn't to use mutants for their lethal ends. Under the leadership of its mysterious new director, Weapon X has a new mission - ERADICATE ALL MUTANTS! And they're starting their hunt with the most dangerous group of mutants on planet Earth - Old Man Logan, Sabretooth, Domino, Lady Deathstrike, Warpath and… the Hulk?! But with an army of genetic cyborgs at their disposal, this may just be the beginning…

Rated T+.

Item #: 1632319 Diamond code: APR171077 UPC: 75960608743300121

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