Bongo Comics Free-For-All FCBD 2017 - Midtown Comics

Bongo Comics Free-For-All FCBD 2017

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Get in line for the foremost Free Comic Book Day four-color giveaway of the year! When Bart injures his back and has to use a rolling backpack, he turns weakness into strength as the 'Leader of the Backpack Pack.' Then, Homer and Bart pull an all-nighter and put themselves on high alert to prevent a potential home invasion. Rod and Todd Flanders get separated from Ned Flanders in downtown Springfield and find themselves on an odyssey fraught with many mostly imagined dangers. All that and much, much more, and it's all free! [ALL-AGES]"

Item #: 1661345 Diamond code: JAN170002 UPC: 79834202851598511

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