Kingsman Red Diamond #3 Cover B Variant Sanford Greene Black & White Cover - Midtown Comics

Kingsman Red Diamond #3

Cover B Variant Sanford Greene Black & White Cover

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With the world's computers wiped out and its cities plunged into darkness, a group of mining magnates is summoned to a secret destination in the depths of Hunan Province. Determined to find The Red Diamond and restore order in the streets, Eggsy and Kwaito disguise themselves as rich jewel tycoons and jump in a helicopter headed for China. There, awaiting them, is a VHS tape- one that will blow their mission wide open. Issue number three of this unstoppable, action-packed miniseries contains violence, explosions, flying wingsuits, and vintage jets.

Item #: 1675756 Diamond code: SEP170748 UPC: 70985302424800321

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