Death Of Cerebus In Hell #1 - Midtown Comics

Death Of Cerebus In Hell #1

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Epic-length four-part Death of Cerebus in Hell? Wrap your copy in a black plastic bag for even greater collectibility! Also reprints online strips from August 2016: Cerebus buys a demon horde; Cerebus in Wonderland; Canadian Hell; Lucifer runs for Ruler of Hell; Cerebus reads Black Panther; Super-Cerebus hurled back in time; Chester Brown and the Whore of Babylon; Giant Jabberwocky Uncle Sam with Bat-wings and a Dragon Tail; The Legion of Miniaturized Super-Cerebus Robots; Bolgiaflix; Jaka the Aardvark; unauthorized Cerebus the Barbarian GPS wireless tracking system bicycle helmet headsets; Squirrel Girl and more!

Item #: 1675993 Diamond code: SEP171028 UPC: 019962635519

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