Adam Greens Hatchet #2 Cover B Variant Greg LaRocque No Mercy Cover - Midtown Comics

Adam Greens Hatchet #2

Cover B Variant Greg LaRocque No Mercy Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Flashback to 1985 - parachute pants, these new things called CDs, and slasher flicks are all the rage! A group of unsuspecting and rather dimwitted actors are making a new horror movie, 'Hatchetface Lives,' deep in Honey Island Swamp. Now they are face to face with the real Victor Crowley and no amount of sexs, drugs, or rock n roll will save them from a gruesome death. This is Adam Green's American slasher classic with all new tales of terror! HATCHET #2 comes with three covers - Main Massacre by Richard Bonk, No Mercy by Greg LaRocque, and a Gore Cover by interior splatter artist Andrew Mangum.

Item #: 1676069 Diamond code: SEP171127 UPC: 85609100625000221

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