Vark Knight Returns #1 - Midtown Comics

Vark Knight Returns #1

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Batvark Invictus; three-part (sorry!) Batvark's Wedding Vows; Batvark tweets Johnny Depp; also reprints online strips from September 2016: Cerebus goes to see Suicide Squad; King Solomon, rap artist; Cerebus the Party Hat; Xavier Cugat and conga-line snakes; Siamese Twin Girl-Boy and The Aardvarkian League of Justice; building the Poet Laureate Pyramid & The Granite-Slab Freestyle Slalom; 'Ode to Beatrice's JLo Heinie'; Snake Comics; Aardvark-Vanaheim Civil War: Cerebus vs. The Renegade Super-Poets and more!

Item #: 1684209 Diamond code: OCT171028 UPC: 653341403346

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