Powerpuff Girls Bureau Of Bad #1 Cover C Incentive Andrew Kolb Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Powerpuff Girls Bureau Of Bad #1

Cover C Incentive Andrew Kolb Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


"Sick and tired of the Powerpuff Girls ALWAYS saving the day, baddies unite at the TOWNSVILLE HIGH VILLAINS COUNCIL, determined to take the girls down once and for all. Gather round the table and hear the tales of the times Townsville's worst ALMOST defeated the girls... starting with MOJO JOJO's tale of near-victory!

Haley Mancini (Princess Morbucks) and Jake Goldman (Jared Shapiro) are both writers and voice actors for the show!"

Item #: 1701887 Diamond code: SEP170528 UPC: 82771401407500131

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