Quantum & Woody Vol 4 #3 Cover A Regular Julian Totino Tedesco Cover - Midtown Comics

Quantum & Woody Vol 4 #3

Cover A Regular Julian Totino Tedesco Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Because you demanded it! The Goat returns! If you add them all up, this would be Quantum and Woody's 50th issue! What better time to answer the eternal question: 'Whatever happened to the Goat, anyway?' At last, the whole saga of Dr. Derek Henderson's transformation from brilliant physicist and beloved father into a barnyard animal of unimaginable power can finally be told…and all of his secrets revealed, beginning with the long-awaited birth of the Goat's baby! And the Eisner for 'Best Goat Birth Scene' goes to…writer extraordinaire Daniel Kibblesmith (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert) and special guest artist Francis Portela (FAITH)! Don't miss the staggering spectacle as the entire Valiant Universe stands on the cusp of a milestone moment in the spectacular goatacular of 2018!

Item #: 1702550 Diamond code: DEC171911 UPC: 85899200353600311

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