Assassinistas #3 Cover C Incentive Aud Koch Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Assassinistas #3

Cover C Incentive Aud Koch Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Don't feed me-I'm allergic to you!" Dominic shoots someone in the head, and Mom talks him through it. Because that's what parenting is all about. Also, more on that purse iguana we know you love.

  • Modern family. Retro sass. Highly trained. To kick your ass. ASSASSINISTAS!
  • Eisner Hall-of-Fame artist Gilbert Hernandez teams up with rising-star writer Tini Howard (The Skeptics, Magdelena, Rick and Morty) for a full-octane action & family drama assault!
  • All BLACK CROWN titles are packed with letter columns, interviews, behind-the-panel process pages & more!

Item #: 1703900 Diamond code: DEC170431 UPC: 82771401431000331

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