Cyborg Vol 2 #22 Cover B Variant Carlos DAnda Cover - Midtown Comics

Cyborg Vol 2 #22

Cover B Variant Carlos DAnda Cover

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'My name is Nijiro Jin, born of flesh and blood, but now encased in steel. I have become N-Jin, who seeks to discard the final traces of frail humanity to become Mekkan-X, the Man-God who will soon wield the power infinite.' 'All that stands in my way is the construct they call Cyborg. It is for that reason alone that he must regretfully die.' Introducing Mekkan-X, born in the waning days of the 19th century, who has targeted for destruction not only the Robo Dojo school of giant robot makers, but Vic Stone as well.

Item #: 1726375 Diamond code: MAR180265 UPC: 76194134188002221

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