Titans Vol 3 #23 Cover A 1st Ptg Regular Brandon Peterson Cover - Midtown Comics

Titans Vol 3 #23

Cover A 1st Ptg Regular Brandon Peterson Cover

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Can anything stop the Metagene pandemic unleashed through the events of JUSTICE LEAGUE: NO JUSTICE? The all-new Titans are on the case. Roll call: Nightwing, Donna Troy, Raven, Steel, Beast Boy and Miss Martian! But can even their combined might stand against new super-powered weapons of mass destruction birthed by the Metagenes? And (SPOILERS) how will the events of TEEN TITANS #20 come back to haunt the Titans? New enemies are out for blood in part one of 'The Spark.'

Item #: 1741982 Diamond code: MAY180550 UPC: 76194134283202311

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