Teenage Mutant Ninja Cerebi #1 - Midtown Comics

Teenage Mutant Ninja Cerebi #1

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Rembrandt! Van Gogh! Pollock! Picasso! Holding down the top four places on the Fortune 500! Multi-billionaires! Pollock declares the TMNC 'greater than Jack Kirby'; Van Gogh disembowels himself for Cultural Misappropriation! Francis replaces him! Picasso & Pollock get broken backs! The Team Reborn as ... ????? One bipedal aardvark & three guys named Francis?? Teenage Mutant Ninja Rembrandt And Pals? Relive every moment of the Pop Culture Legend! Plus! Cerebus gets psychoanalyzed by Francis; Batvark-mite, Batvark & The Infernal Tax Service: The Stygian Depths Lads and Ladies Rock-Climbing Society; #WhitelivesDon'tMatter; Cerebus searches for his missing body; Batwinged Demons & Amazon's Drone Delivery; Batvark-mite's autograph; 3D Super-Holographic Sensurround Supercerebus; 'Red-State, Blue-State, Dead-State, You-State.'

Item #: 1742579 Diamond code: MAY181240 UPC: 653341404244

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