Quantum & Woody Vol 4 #10 Cover D Incentive Joe Eisma Interlocking Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Quantum & Woody Vol 4 #10

Cover D Incentive Joe Eisma Interlocking Variant Cover

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When most people go on a journey, they bring back a souvenir… but most people usually stick to t-shirts and keychains, not unearthly creatures like the ones Quantum and Woody brought back from The 'Otherverse!' Now, a giant monster is wreaking havoc on Washington D.C., and another anomaly - known only as 'The Screaming Man' - is slowly getting acquainted with our reality. Is the world's worst superhero team going to do anything about it? Hopefully, or this would be a really weird comic!

Red-hot writer Eliot Rahal (The Paybacks) and Eisner-nominated artist Joe Eisma (Archie) attach themselves to the underside of the Valiant Universe as 'SEPARATION ANXIETY' reaches new heights!

Item #: 1760643 Diamond code: JUL182279 UPC: 85899200353601041

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