Quantum & Woody Vol 4 #11 Cover D Incentive Joe Eisma Interlocking Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Quantum & Woody Vol 4 #11

Cover D Incentive Joe Eisma Interlocking Variant Cover

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Situation Normal All Klanged Up! Quantum and Woody are having a pretty terrible day so far - their atoms were dissolved in the middle of a nationwide disaster; they faced down their personal demons in 'The Otherverse;' and now they're responsible for bringing a malicious entity back with them! These guys can't even finish a jigsaw puzzle without losing a whole bunch of pieces - how are they gonna put all of reality back together? Rising star Eliot Rahal (The Paybacks) and Eisner-nominated artist Joe Eisma (Morning Glories) give the world's worst superhero team some much needed closure as SEPARATION ANXIETY draws the two brothers closer than ever before!?

Item #: 1769849 Diamond code: AUG182321 UPC: 85899200353601131

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