Bloodshot Rising Spirit #1 Cover E Incentive Staz Johnson Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Bloodshot Rising Spirit #1

Cover E Incentive Staz Johnson Variant Cover

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NEW ONGOING SERIES! DISCOVER THE TRUE ORIGIN OF VALIANT'S MOST UNRELENTING HERO! Before a weapon is deployed in battle, it must be designed, refined, field-tested. Bloodshot was no exception. In the early days of the private military contractor Project Rising Spirit, the nanite-infused super-soldier who would one day become their most violent and valuable asset was a resource to be mined - and it was up to one enterprising employee, the Memory Weaver, to ensure he did what he was told. But memory is a tricky thing…and the man Bloodshot used to be won't let go of his past so easily… Critically acclaimed writing duo Lonnie Nadler and Zac Thompson (Cable) team up with distinguished artist Ken Lashley (Black Panther) to open a door once closed and reveal answers to questions that Bloodshot himself would never think to ask!

Item #: 1777493 Diamond code: SEP182079 UPC: 85899200359800141

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