Threshold Allure #0 Cover Y Fifty Shades Nude Cover - Midtown Comics

Threshold Allure #0 Cover Y Fifty Shades Nude Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


The legendary title Threshold returns featuring not only our classic characters, but brand new ones! This series, Allure, features an all-new character Praxi! She's the Greek goddess of justice, Praxidike, now inhabiting a new body, and reunited with Pandora for adventures, as they have throughout time! This series features art from Rick Lyon, previously lost by the sands of time, but now finished and joined with new chapters from Christian Zanier! It's all topped off by the full story also Beautified in the back, for that extra sexy zest! Available with these sexy covers: Regular (& Nude, Adult) + Wraparound (& Nude, Adult) + Pandora ( & Nude, Adult) + Catfight ( & Nude, Adult) all by Christian Zanier - Stunning (& Nude) by Ron Adrian - Rebel (& Nude) + Beastly (& Nude) by Renato Camilo - Luscious (& Nude, Adult) + Bondage (& Nude, Adult) by Matt Martin - Primal (& Nude) + Goddess (& Nude, Adult) by Nahuel Lopez, Pandora Rio Nude by Al Rio, Pandora Finch Nude by David Finch, Fifty Shades Nude by Camilo (lmt to 50 copies) and Fifty Shades Adult by Waller (lmt to 50 copies). To see the uncensored covers, please visit

Item #: 1785458 Diamond code: OCT181564 UPC: 82002300830800321

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