Lady Death Apocalyptic Abyss #1 Cover E Incentive Marat Mychaels Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Lady Death Apocalyptic Abyss #1

Cover E Incentive Marat Mychaels Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


New Story! Lady Death is finally reunited with her Mother, but she and her earthborn allies The Hellriders are driven to the Hellbourne Elders capital city, Dis. Meanwhile, Hellwitch and her army descend to decimate Lady Death for once and for all. Can Lady Death deliver her Mother's soul to Heaven? Hell, can Lady Death even survive this epic, multi-pronged onslaught, or is this her final stand?

Item #: 1793917 Diamond code: NOV181697 UPC: 74911066416900161

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