Titans Vol 3 #36 Cover A Regular Bruno Redondo Cover - Midtown Comics

Titans Vol 3 #36

Cover A Regular Bruno Redondo Cover

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"Into the Bleed" finale! It's all been building to this! Witness the battle for the fate of the entire Multiverse as our heroes tackle Mother Blood and her armies of Unearth! Mother's plan to use the Bleed to spread her power throughout every corner of the fabric of reality has reached its zenith, and she's pulling out all the stops to see to it the Titans fail in stopping her. But even with Raven's soul-self reunited, can the team rescue their heavy hitters Kyle Rayner and Steel before it's too late? Don't miss this melee of multiversal mayhem!

Item #: 1817174 Diamond code: FEB190541 UPC: 76194134283203611

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