Red Hood Outlaw #35 Cover B Variant Yasmine Putri Cover - Midtown Comics

Red Hood Outlaw #35

Cover B Variant Yasmine Putri Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Last time he was in Gotham City, Jason Todd pretended to be a master criminal in the underworld. This time it's for real! With Suzie Su scared of what her new boss at the Iceberg Lounge might be capable of and Bunker questioning his own loyalty to Jason, the Red Hood's house of cards could be headed for a collapse. And if that isn't bad enough, Jason comes face to face with the teacher who taught him everything he knows about death and life, and Ducra isn't at all happy about this latest twist in Jason's story…

Item #: 1834522 Diamond code: APR190499 UPC: 76194134171203521

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