Crow Hack Slash #1 Cover B Incentive Rebekah A Isaacs Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Crow Hack Slash #1

Cover B Incentive Rebekah A Isaacs Variant Cover

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The crow flies.
A soul is brought back.
But something is wrong.

Angeles Cero won't stop killing on her quest for revenge, and the bodies are piling up. Now, slasher hunter Cassie Hack and her monstrous partner Vlad are on the trail of the Crow Killer, assuming her to be one of the masked murderers they've hunted for years.

But they aren't the only force trying to make the universe right again.

From writer/artist, Tim Seeley (Green Lanterns, Nightwing, Shatterstar).

Featuring an all-new Crow unlike any you've read before!

Item #: 1836413 Diamond code: APR190643 UPC: 82771401793900121

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