Ducktales Silence And Science #1 Cover C Incentive Ducktales Creative Team Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Ducktales Silence And Science #1

Cover C Incentive Ducktales Creative Team Variant Cover

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All Donald Duck wants to do is take a nice, long, uninterrupted nap, but there are too many distractions and just too much noise at McDuck Manor for him to do so. But then Donald remembers a magical artifact that cancels out all noise! Once he uses it, he can finally take a nap. There's only one problem: it's not only silent in McDuck Manor-it's silent all over the world! Will anyone be able to talk ever again? Discover for yourself in "Silence is Golden"!
The first of two brand-new miniseries wrapping up the DuckTales comics for 2019!

Item #: 1853077 Diamond code: JUN190672 UPC: 82771401843100131

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