Batman And The Outsiders Vol 3 #6 Cover B Variant Stephen Segovia DCeased Cover (Year Of The Villain Doom Rising Tie-In) - Midtown Comics

Batman And The Outsiders Vol 3 #6

Cover B Variant Stephen Segovia DCeased Cover (Year Of The Villain Doom Rising Tie-In)

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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While the mission is a success, the Outsiders do not feel like winners. Measures are taken to deprogram Sofia and understand the extent of her abilities, while Ra's al Ghul's power and influence grows enough for him to establish a new league in Khadym, unsullied by distractions and temptations of the earthly plane.

Item #: 1868858 Diamond code: AUG190488 UPC: 76194135974800621

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