Wonder Woman Giant #3 - Midtown Comics

Wonder Woman Giant #3

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


This issue includes these new stories:

  • "Planned Extinction," a 16-page story written by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti with art by Daniel Sampere and Juan Albarran
    Wonder Woman thinks she's saved the day when she stops an asteroid from crashing into the Earth-but a fragment of it lands near the shores of Gorilla City, unleashing an alien horror upon the unsuspecting simians. Now the Amazing Amazon must stop the creature before the entire gorilla race is destroyed!
  • "Couldn't Live," an 8-page story written and illustrated by Scott Kolins
    Steve Trevor finds himself in over his head while trying to help Wonder Woman on a mission-but is he doing it for the right reasons, or just trying to prove something to himself?
  • Plus, these reprint tales:

  • "Year One Part 3," from Wonder Woman #6 (2012)
  • "Secret Origin Part 3," from Green Lantern #31 (2008)
  • "The Catalyst Part 3: The Path of the Heart," from Sword of Sorcery #2 (2012)
  • Item #: 1902225 Diamond code: DEC190429 UPC: 76194136593000311

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