Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #40 Cover B Variant Elizabeth Torque Gwen Stacy Cover - Midtown Comics

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #40

Cover B Variant Elizabeth Torque Gwen Stacy Cover

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  • J. Jonah Jameson's new gig has proven to be nothing but trouble for Spidey.
  • As you are well aware, JJJ doesn't take 'no' for an answer, so even if Spidey is knee-deep in a world-saving situation, JJJ will always be there to "help" him.
  • But while Spidey is dealing with JJJ and Chance, something is brewing with Kindred and it can't bode well for Peter.
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Item #: 1902304 Diamond code: DEC190867 UPC: 75960608936904021

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