My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #87 Cover C Incentive Muffy Levy Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #87

Cover C Incentive Muffy Levy Variant Cover

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Strap in, sports fans, because it's time for the biggest race in Equestria-the Draytona Breach 500! And where there's a race, there's Rainbow Dash, ready to be trained by the most unlikely of ponies... Big Macintosh?! Meanwhile, a plunderer of ancient antiquities known as Sacks Roamer throws a wrench into the competition when he steals a priceless artifact. It promises to be the fast and the furriest in this brand-new My Little Pony adventure!

Item #: 1904115 Diamond code: DEC190708 UPC: 82771400398708731

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