Detective Comics Vol 2 #1021 Cover B Variant Lee Bermejo Card Stock Cover - Midtown Comics

Detective Comics Vol 2 #1021

Cover B Variant Lee Bermejo Card Stock Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


"Ugly Heart" part two! Two-Face has returned, and his Church of the Two has grown into one of the most dangerous and destructive cults Gotham City has ever seen. So why is the only person trying to kill Two-Face his own alter ego, Harvey Dent? Batman at last has found hope of a permanent cure for his friend's evil split personality-but if there's hope of ridding the world of the dreaded Two-Face for good, Bruce and Harvey must team up to beat back the bad.

Item #: 1909409 Diamond code: JAN200540 UPC: 76194134373002121

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