Varking Dead #1 - Midtown Comics

Varking Dead #1

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A plague of Cerebi (many Cerebuses) settling the issue of the proper temperature at which to serve chai tea (hot? cold?) with poison gas ... well, how do you think that's going to work? It destroys their minds and they become The Varking Dead! Meanwhile, Virgil finally gets an answer from the Arby's franchising office and the infernal realms' first Arby's franchise is a GO! Unfortunately, there isn't any roast beef 'down under.' Fortunately, the Iron Manticore is selling his old helmets as Anti-Varking Dead protection. Cue the Giant Jurassic Zombie Aardvark. Oh, yeah. Like you didn't see that one coming from a mile away! Note: The entire print run will be sequentially numbered and randomly distributed throughout Diamond's distribution!

Item #: 1910150 Diamond code: JAN201372 UPC: 752830525368

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