Labyrinth Existential Odyssey With Sartre HC - Midtown Comics
Labyrinth Existential Odyssey With Sartre HC
Labyrinth Existential Odyssey With Sartre HC

Labyrinth Existential Odyssey With Sartre HC

Labyrinth Existential Odyssey With Sartre HC

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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An original look at the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre-told in cartoons. As graduates embark on the next phase of their lives, what better way to get them accustomed to the rat race they are about to enter than by introducing them to the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre? Cleverly told through the story of a pair of rats trapped in the labyrinth of existence, this allegory humorously conveys the key ideas of Sartre's existential philosophy in graphic-novel form, accessible for students and readers of all ages.

Item #: 1919278 Diamond code: FEB201372 ISBN: 9781419740022

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