Department Of Truth #1 Cover A 1st Ptg Regular Martin Simmonds Cover - Midtown Comics

Department Of Truth #1

Cover A 1st Ptg Regular Martin Simmonds Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Cole Turner has studied conspiracy theories all his life, but he isn't prepared for what happens when he discovers that all of them are true, from the JFK assassination to flat Earth theory and reptilian shapeshifters. One organization has been covering them up for generations. What is the deep, dark secret behind the Department of Truth?

Bestselling writer JAMES TYNION IV (Batman, Something is Killing the Children) debuts his first Image ONGOING SERIES alongside breakout artist MARTIN SIMMONDS (Dying is Easy)!

Item #: 1947658 Diamond code: JUL200012 UPC: 70985303032400111

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