Nightwing Vol 4 #74 Cover A Regular Travis Moore Cover (Joker War Tie-In) - Midtown Comics

Nightwing Vol 4 #74

Cover A Regular Travis Moore Cover (Joker War Tie-In)

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


The Joker has poisoned Ric Grayson’s mind with false memories and pitted him against Batgirl, the Robins, and Batman. As Batgirl realizes the key to ending this nightmare is through the crystal around The Joker’s neck, it’s up to Grayson to use it on himself and fight for who he really is: Nightwing! And if he doesn’t get stuck in his own memories, will he be able to rescue the Bat-Family from The Joker’s plans and end this cruel joke once and for all?

Item #: 1949349 Diamond code: UCS20070044 UPC: 76194134174307411

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