Buffy The Vampire Slayer Vol 2 #17 Cover D Incentive David Lopez Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Vol 2 #17

Cover D Incentive David Lopez Variant Cover

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Fan favorite character Wesley Wyndam-Pryce makes his first appearance in this stand-alone issue that will change everything you know about the Watchers!

After the devastating effects of Hellmouth, the Watcher's Council convenes to make sure it never happens again. But when recent Watcher initiate Wesley Wyndam-Pryce stumbles across a dark secret, he learns of a conspiracy decades in the making - one that binds Robin, Giles and the Slayer Before together, and shows just how far the Watchers will go to protect the earth.

Item #: 1949477 Diamond code: JUL200896 UPC: 84428400717717041

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