Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #5 Cover M Incentive Meghan Hetrick Virgin Cover - Midtown Comics

Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #5

Cover M Incentive Meghan Hetrick Virgin Cover

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Available in Multiple Covers

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"In the Great Desert of the east stands an abandoned temple of dark magic... the one place where Sonja and Chastity can set things right without the loss of innocent life. But by the time they get there the sun has set, and the creatures of the night have come out to play. Jade and her thralls and a newly powered Purgatori arrive, and before this night is done, the amulet's power will at last be claimed.

Join us for the penultimate chapter of the Age of Chaos!"

Item #: 1950805 Diamond code: APR208245 UPC: 72513028821905211

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