Manhwa Contemporary Korean Comics FCBD 2020 - Midtown Comics

Manhwa Contemporary Korean Comics FCBD 2020

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"This sampler features the best of the contemporary Korean Manhwa scene. This FCBD issue spotlights Yeon-sik Hong's family saga Umma's Table, Keum Suk Gendry-Kim's documentary of Korean "comfort women" Grass, Ancco's story of female friendship Bad Friends, and Yeong-shin Ma's examination of middle-aged women, Moms. The Korean comics industry is rich and diverse and was virtually unexplored in North America until D+Q's release of Yeon-sik Hong's masterful Uncomfortably Happily in 2017, translated by indie cartoonist superstar Hellen Jo. Since then, D+Q has enlisted the services of award-winning translator Janet Hong to become the leading English publisher of Manhwa.

Rating: Mature Readers"

Item #: 1954644 Diamond code: JAN200022 ISBN: 9781770464056

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