Beyond Kuiper Prose Novel TP - Midtown Comics
Beyond Kuiper Prose Novel TP
Beyond Kuiper Prose Novel TP

Beyond Kuiper Prose Novel TP

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


There is no Drake Equation. There is no question on sentience. The galaxy is alive and filled with life. The only issue: we humans aren't invited. The Galactic Star Alliance has been alive and well for millions of earth years. Hundreds of thousands of sentient worlds and trillions of beings walk, run, and crawl across the many home worlds of the Alliance. If our galaxy is so full of sentient life, why has no one said hello? We thought of a simple, logical reason: no one wants to. In this illustrated novel humankind acknowledges the vastness of time, the cyclical nature of civilization, and the obscurity of our own history. The Galactic Star Alliance awaits your exploration.

Item #: 1958923 Diamond code: SEP201279 ISBN: 9781947784192

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